Why Outsource? The Benefits of RIA Outsourcing

Outsource to Gain Clarity and Create the Business You Really Want

Imagine your Perfect World

  • What would make sense for you to delegate or outsource to another proficient party?
  • How much of your time would be freed up by delegating your non-revenue-producing activities to an experienced staff?
  • How could this extra time benefit your clients—and your professional and personal life?

Because our firm provides comprehensive back (middle) office outsourcing solutions for advisors, we’ve definitively seen that advisors can very successfully address their business needs and achieve their goals by outsourcing. FocusPoint’s team has had the great pleasure of working with dozens of advisors who have gone through the process of changing business models. In conjunction with this, we’ve implemented custom outsourcing solutions for their firms—click here to read some great before and after stories.

Benefits of Outsourcing

Here are some of the key benefits advisors enjoy as a result of outsourcing:

  • Many advisors free up 20-50% more of their time
  • Back (middle) office, trading, administrative, and other tedious activities can be outsourced in a cost-effective, capacity-building manner
  • Most advisors are able to focus more on helping clients with financial planning and building better client relationships
  • Often advisors can spend more time growing their businesses by marketing and developing relationships with COIs
  • Advisors’ staff is likely more motivated now, as the focus is now geared toward more client-centric activities
  • Advisors can still maintain control over client experience

We often get asked what makes all the advisors we support alike. The answer to that really has much less to do with their business models and much more to do with their clarity (although the majority have their own RIAs, about half also have a broker/dealer relationship, and they’re all incredible financial planners).

At some point, these advisors got really clear about what they may have been spending their time on that was preventing them from achieving their goals. They did some research—and maybe some soul-searching, too—and decided they were ready to delegate those activities to a trusted partner. Once they felt confident that outsourcing was the right decision for their business, that enthusiasm likely spilled over to their clients, who got excited about the positive changes that were going to be implemented. Not surprisingly, today these advisors are even more successful.

Bottom line: While outsourcing may or may not be right for you, it’s definitely something to consider if your goal is to create a more ideal business for yourself and your team.

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about our custom back (middle) office outsourcing services