Financial Advisors Compliance Solutions


What makes us unique is that we support you, the advisor.

Unlike a broker/dealer, FocusPoint does not have oversight. You keep discretion over your client accounts with our financial advisor compliance solutions. We are here to help you do what you feel is best for your clients. We do not dictate how you run your business.

But we can provide you with our business-minded recommendations and expertise. This draws from our experience with any issues or questions you might experience. And if you need it, we can offer you access to our trusted offsite legal counsel.

Contact Us

RIA Formation

This is an area where we can really add immediate value to your situation. It’s also an example of some of the peripheral support available to every advisor working with us.

Advisors often need help either forming an RIA or beginning to move more assets into an existing RIA. This is particularly relevant for RIAs which have previously gone unused. Our in-house transition and RIA compliance consultants will help you to establish the best process for you based on your specific situation.

Since we’ve been through the transition and RIA formation process so many times – including for our own practice. We know what to expect and how to guide you through properly setting things up with our RIA compliance services.

Our team will walk through these questions with you to help you understand what you’ll need to do in order to do things right the first time around. Initially, we’ll work with you on certain questions you need to answer to start the ball rolling. This first step in RIA compliance services will help determine your timeline and course of action. We will revisit these questions further into your transition.

We’ve found that it’s absolutely possible for you to be a good business owner and do things right compliance-wise. We’re familiar with your issues because FocusPoint is an RIA. Our RIA compliance consultants also worked with and support many other RIAs, and therefore have various capable compliance and legal contacts.

You’re free to leverage the resources and systems we already have in place as a financial advisor compliance solution. We strongly encourage you to use our RIA compliance services a resource for this area. Don’t make the same mistakes as other advisors have made over the years. Work with us and harness the benefits of our practice development program to reach new highs for your business.

This means that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when you choose our financial advisor compliance solutions.

While, in most cases, we will definitely recommend that you engage legal counsel to draft and file certain documentation. As an RIA compliance firm, we’re here to give you suggestions and recommendations throughout the process. At the end of the day, of course, it’s your business to do with as you see fit.

Ongoing Compliance Support

Initially, we can assist you with reviewing the paperwork required to file and approve to open your doors and do business as an RIA.

Once that piece is complete, the compliance support we offer and can provide includes working closely with you. With compliance outsourcing, you have guidance as you need our assistance or thoughts. If you need additional support, our back office team can ease the burden of running your own firm.

Ongoing Compliance Support Topics

  • E&O recommendations (basic overview and general coverage questions)
  • RIA document review (ADV, client agreement, etc.)
  • Regulatory audit support
  • If applicable, coordination with your broker/dealer (re: understanding FPS and setting up compliance oversight)
  • Assistance with drafting client correspondence (situation specific)

Remember, what makes us unique is that we support you, the advisor, with compliance outsourcing.

Unlike a broker/dealer, FocusPoint does not have oversight. You keep discretion over your client accounts with our outsourced compliance services. We are here to help you do what you feel is best for your clients.

Meet our Compliance Partner

Explore Our Compliance Services

Carr Butterfield logo

Carr Butterfield, LLC is committed to ensuring the future success of the independent investment advisors and professionals we serve. Our law firm specializes in legal and compliance issues facing investment advisors, we provide our clients with knowledgeable, personalized and proactive services.

We currently serve over 200 investment advisory firms. These firms range from large SEC-based investment advisory firms to state—based solo operations. Unlike many law firms which have little relevant experience, we specialize in a broad range of compliance. We also specialize in litigation defense and regulatory issues facing today’s registered investment advisors and financial professionals.

You will discover our RIA compliance services differ greatly from the large impersonal compliance consulting companies which rarely provide services catered to your particular needs. Instead of your main contact being non-attorney staff persons, at Carr Butterfield, LLC you work directly with attorneys. They have years of experience with RIA regulatory compliance issues.

Let us assist you with your specialized needs and help ensure your success. Learn more about our attorney backgrounds below, or visit us at

John T. Carr

John T. Carr

John T. Carr provides legal representation of financial services professionals to limit, defend and/or deflect liability in regulatory investigations, enforcement actions, arbitrations and court cases pending before Oregon Circuit Courts and the United States District Court for the District of Oregon.

He has experience defending clients before federal and professional regulatory agencies across the U.S. and the Pacific Northwest, including but not limited to:

  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”)
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”)
  • Washington Department of Financial Institutions
  • Oregon Department of Finance and Corporate Securities
  • Oregon Insurance Division • Washington State Insurance Commissioner
  • Idaho Department of Finance, Securities Bureau
  • Certified Financial Planner (“CFP”) Board of Standards, Inc.
  • U.S. Department of Labor

Insurance defense claims involving errors and omissions (“E&O”) and commercial general liability (“CGL”) policies for insureds within the financial services industry are an area of focus. Mr. Carr’s additional practice areas include licensing, mergers and acquisitions, professional discipline, regulatory violations, audit compliance, entity formation, and corporate re-structuring. He is a former intern to the late U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield.

Lisanne Butterfield

Lisanne Butterfield

Lisanne M. Butterfield developed a litigation practice early in her career when she served as a litigation paralegal. She later became a summer associate in the securities litigation department of a large, national law firm based in New York City. While in law school, Ms. Butterfield served as a judicial law clerk to Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Herrell.

She later joined a Pacific Northwest insurance defense firm defending policy holders in claims based on professional and municipal liability.

She also worked in the Guam office of a large Honolulu-based firm. This is a firm which mostly served Fortune 500 companies and international financial institutions. While in Guam, Ms. Butterfield served as lead trial attorney for commercial litigation, employment law, and insurance defense matters. Her practice included complex litigation, consumer fraud, and maritime/admiralty matters.

Ms. Butterfield has represented multinational corporations and small, emerging entities in FINRA, private arbitration proceedings, and state and federal courts throughout the United States. These matters often include the litigation of the defense and indemnity obligations of insurers and business management.

In recent years, the core of Ms. Butterfield’s practice has been complex business litigation matters. This incuse legal ethics, and exit strategy advice for financial services professionals, departing employees, and business owners.